Sunday, May 17, 2009

Man am I good!

So, I've been the brunt of jokes for the past, oh, two years at least as my old boss and co-workers thought it was fun to poke fun, but now with my new shift, WATCH OUT! I am on fire! These new guys are just TOO easy. Take for example what happened the other night. I'm sittin, minding my own business mind you, writing a report, when a newer guy comes up to me and the first thing out of his mouth is, "Jen, I was downstairs eating lunch and watching Half Baked." Uh, too easy.....he continues...."I started to make popcorn when the microwave made this funny sound (sound effects included)." I egg him on and ask him if his popcorn actually popped and he told me he did not eat it though it popped.
Here's the kicker, with a straight face, I asked him why he thought it would be a good idea to pop popcorn or ANYTHING for that matter when there was a piece of aluminum foil hanging from the microwave? Lost, he asked me, "Who would put aluminum foil in a microwave?" DUH, I did! I told him I knew what time he ate dinner and I thought it would be funny and at this point he is now laughing as am I because I reminded him he started his story with "I was watching Half Baked." It gets better though, because obviously I didn't put aluminum foil in the microwave, but soon after another newer gal came in and wanted to microwave her dinner and was absolutely beside herself that she could not even though we have TWO OTHER MICROWAVES! And then, man was she PO'D that I put aluminum foil in the microwave. I had even texted both my bosses about the situation so they were in on it just in case! HA!
The two then went to the microwave and dismantled it and removed the conductor plate and brought it to me after they could not locate any aluminum foil. The gig was kinda up.....but then I told them I wasn't that silly to put aluminum foil in a microwave! DUH! I put POP-ROCKS! They bought that too! They were again mad, mad mad! They told me I had to send a message to the chief's secretary asking for a new microwave as I was the one who broke it! Uh, ok, done. She and I are in good graces. I sent the email and she got one the following day. Now how's that for some good ol' fashion fun!

On another note, Sam, check this out...............Jack and Ant are ready for you!

1 comment:

  1. hahahah nice one jen!!!

    and totally lovin LOVIN the outfits! Im a sucker for plaid shorts!!

    I so know where I am taking them..btw.. have you figured out whats going on with the fireplace overhaul?
